Sunday, June 27, 2010


After a truly exhausting day of sitting around doing nothing yesterday, Jacqi and I decided to take it easy and read/sleep on this hot, humid Sunday. We went to Oberon Mall to eat some delicious (makes me sick afterward) pizza. To get to this amazing haven we have to take a death trap for a once fearful, but now enjoyable ride.

(actual view of a passing death trap from a death trap)

The entire cost of a one-way trip costs 60 rupees ($1.27). However, on our return trip the ‘cabbie’ tried to swindle us for an outrageous 90 rupees!!!! Jacqi and I proceed to argue with him over (if you can’t do the math) .43 cents. That’s right, I’ve become ‘that’ girl who argues over .43 cents. I’m totally fine in the States paying outrageous amounts of money for the Office Season 7 (HD), but I will not be had over .43 cents.

(picture of a 'nice' death trap complete with tarp to keep out monsoon)

1 comment:

Nichole said...

you write exactly how you talk. and it is hilarious. I feel like I was in said death trap arguing over $.43. keep up the good work! Also I am working on a tomato phone made out of a beagle for you. Honey is too big for such shenanigans.