It’s difficult to write down all the emotions I have felt in the past couples of days. I often fluctuate from overwhelming anxiety to excitement. We have a contact here named Biju, but because of India culture we are often just waiting around for people to show up and tell up what to do. We have had ‘full days’ of appointments since arriving, but have waited HOURS for someone to meet with us for a 10 minute meeting. It’s frustrating just waiting around, but at this point we have nothing better to do.
The house we are living in is really an apartment above a house where a family resides right outside the campus gates…..and by right outside I mean the campus gate literally hits our house when it swings open. Currently, we have to use the family entrance which means knocking on the doors each time we want to come home, but a private entrance is being constructed for us…who knows when it will be done if ever.
My address is
Katherine Todd
c/o Biju Chottupuram
College of Social Sciences
Rajagiri P.O. Kalamassery
Cochin - 683 104, Kerala, India
I do have a cell phone number:
(0091) 963-3788-0764
Many websites have phone cards available to buy online if you feel the desire to give me a ring and if you find a good one let me know so I can post it here!
I promise I’ll write with more stories soon. Until then here are some pictures.
My bed complete with bug netting to keep me safe from the Nature.
My laundry drying outside after I hand washed it in buckets with TIDE!!!
Monsoon rain!!
I loved reading your first post! And I'm so thankful you have the nets to protect you from "the nature". Miss you more than you can imagine!
you can't get away from the nature can you!
After seeing your bug netting, I feel like you're going to need a lot of protection from nature. I'm sure you're thrilled at the prospect. :P
I am so glad you arrived safely!
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