Monday, June 14, 2010

Mongoose and Boredom...

India has proven to be slower than I expected. We have yet to begin our classes/internship and we are having trouble just trying to fill our days with activities. We live in a fairly small village so it is difficult to do anything unless you take a bus to the mall. Also, due to the MASSIVE amounts of rain it's difficult to step outside to do laundry or any other outdoor activity. The last couple of days we have been stuck inside watching American TV on the we are super bored. However, we have come up with a plan.....catch the mongoose. We've researched online ( and conversed with experts (the locals) on ways to catch this dangerous creature. Our days now will be filled with building traps and stalking the campus mongoose. All to say is that we are really bored and ready to begin our studies here in India.

(Not the actual mongoose)


Unknown said...

I want to come visit just so I can catch the mongoose

caitlin.rosing said...

The best part of this blog was the picture with the caption "not the actual mongoose" underneathe. I love it.